Monday 30 April 2012

"Good Going Stranger"

Last night "Desperately Seeking Susan" was on Foxtel. I love this film. Deep down we all want to parade around in a cool jacket with a pyramid appliqué on the back and dry our armpits in the bathroom of the New York Port Authority... and don't get me started on that hat box. Sigh... the Lower East Side in New York in the eighties would have been a blast. 

Yes, I am having a 'Madonna' moment - just spent the last twenty minutes reminiscing on YouTube!

It all ties back to my love of leotards and wristbands. Why not throw in a bit of mesh for good measure!

I just need a fancy dress to go to now...It would be a costume toss up between Susan (aka Madonna), Margot Tenenbaum or Mia (Uma Thurman) from Pulp Fiction!


Wednesday 18 April 2012

Time for more Moonrise Kingdom Love...

Inspired by the forthcoming release of the Wes Anderson/Roman Coppola movie Moonrise Kingdom I've tracked down the song from the trailer sung by sixties songstress Francoise Hardy.

Here is a translation of the lyrics from the blog "French One Francois Hardy Song At A Time".

C'est le temps de l'amour
It's the time for love
Le temps des copains
The time for friends
Et de l'aventure
And for adventure
Quand le temps va et vient
When the time comes and goes
On ne pense à rien
We don't think anything
Malgré ses blessures
Despite our injuries

Monday 16 April 2012

Moonrise Kingdom

The world is looking even brighter knowing that a new Wes Anderson film (in conjunction with Roman Coppola) is due to be released in May, headlining The Cannes Film Festival.

A little over ten years on since The Royal Tenenbaums stole my heart, Moonrise Kingdom looks just as quirky and delectable. 

I love Wes Anderson's attention to detail from the sets to the movie titles. I AM SO EXCITED! Really looking forward to adding this to my soundtrack collection (it will sit alongside The Royal Tenenbaums, The Squid and the Whale and The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou).

There's something about these "school camp" movies! I am tempted to reprise Little Darlings  but have a feeling it will only be available on VHS...


I will sign off quoting Bill Murray from Moonrise Kingdom:

"I'll be out back...I'm going to find a tree to chop down".