Monday, 27 February 2012

Fur Continued...!

This is it! ... A 2012 version of the Stephen Sprouse "Slaves of New York" fur!
Recently spotted in the New York times style section:

Swoon :)

First photo taken outide of the Lincoln Center, NYC/

Submitted by Jorge Aguilera

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Pardon My French to Slaves of New York!

Fashion/Street photographer and illustrator, Garance, has branched out into Video- see Part 2 of her series "Pardon My French". 

Again, I have to go on about the rage for fur ... New York seems so far away - the thought of wearing fur in Perth is slightly ridiculous but I am staring longingly at a vintage faux fur in my wardrobe just waiting to be whipped out this winter.

My real fur fantasy is a green faux fur Stephen Sprouse coat (with tail!) like the character, Eleanor, wears in the quintessential NY/Art Scene movie from the 1989 film "Slaves of New York"... such a great flick.. stay tuned for more eighties love in future posts!


From l. to r. image credits:

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Zooey and the Wayward Wind

At first I thought Zooey Deschanel's character, Jess, on the new comedy "New Girl" would get distractingly on my nerves but, I have to admit, I do look forward to watching it on a Sunday evening.
Not only does she have a fabulous name (J D Salinger's "Franny & Zooey" is a favourite book) but also a wonderful voice. 

© Some Rights reserved by Crafty Fox

On the YouTube video attached she sings "The Wayward Wind"...

Oh, the wayward wind is a restless wind
A restless wind that yearns to wander
And I was born the next of kin
The next of kin to the wayward wind
Excerpt of lyrics written by Herb Newman and Stan Lebowsky

(I am about to hunt down Patsy Clines' 1961 version on the net...)

Sunday, 19 February 2012

I Heart Tumblr

Well folks, I'm a bit behind the eight ball... I've discovered Tumblr...and I'm in love.

Such a great concept to be able "re-blog" images plus posting one's own and it's all connected. Each blogger gets attributed each time something is re-blogged.

I've set up "call her patrik" on Tumblr now too!  This blog will be more visual, with a focus on fashion plus a bit of poetry and music thrown in for good measure.

I am feeling ready to create today! Not sure if it will be via paint or pen... we'll see... 

For now I will leave you with one of my favourite poems. It reminds of those mornings when upon waking the world is full of possibility and unabashed potential...where our lives become a great song...

I live my life in widening circles
that reach out across the world.
I may not complete this last one
but I give myself to it.

I circle around God, around the primordial tower.
I've been circling for thousands of years
and I still don't know: am I a falcon,
a storm, or a great song?

Rainer Maria Rilke

Have a great day :)

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Stay Gold

Keep me searching
for a heart of gold
You keep me searching
for a heart of gold
And I'm growing old.
I've been a miner
for a heart of gold.

"Heart of Gold", Neil Young

I've found what I like to call "Neil Young Synchronicity" in the air lately...

Just the other day I saw the image below with the Neil Young quote on Pamela Love's Tumblr site... I like the sentiment of his words...

Today, featured reviews on the NY Fashion Week (Fall 2012)  parties. Fifteen year old fashion blogger, Tavi Gevinson, now has a new web site called "Rookie". Last night she sang Neil Young's "Heart of Gold" at the Standard East Village to launch a new short film project she is starring in, "Cadaver".
She is one talented lady. Here is the video of her live show:

More about Tavi:
Huffington Post - Tavi's new site "Rookie"

So on this St. Valentine's Day I wish you all well and to "Stay Gold" - a little S. E Hinton to get the evening started...

Neil Young image: Some Rights Reserved by myriorama

Monday, 13 February 2012

Fanny B and Backyard Bill

I am waiting for the day that H & M arrives on our shores (if ever)... a long wait I imagine! Once it hits oz, Perthites will have to wait another decade for it to move west no doubt. 

An artist that I’ve been following since seeing a few entries on the web is Fanny Bostrom (now Fanny Gentle).  Her quirky art is loud and cheeky - really inspiring. Fashion and painting intertwine and the results are bright and joyous. She has also just recently produced a line of tees for H&M and a line of jewellery for Pencey.

Her husband, Bill, has a great web site called "Backyard Bill" - it's a little like "The Sartorialist" meets "The Selby". Fanny and Bill hit the headlines after they tied the knot at New York City Hall - Fanny dressed in overalls with flowers in her hair.

Here is a recent article: The Huffington Post

So for now I just have to suffice with enjoying a visual of the tee prints, rather than the real thing. I hope you do too.

Images: Fanny Bostrom. All Rights Reserved. Permission to use images granted.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

The Curse (or the Blessing) of "The Corduroy"

In my previous blog, "Beginning Again", I disclosed (perhaps embarrassingly so) the idea that my perfect gentleman would wear corduroys... Well, I've just recently seen Pamela Love's (NY jewellery maker extraordinaire) Facebook page ...and found this wonderful little article on the rebirth of the corduroy (for women's wear) that she posted:
Tales of Endearment

(Pamela Love was recently photographed by Terry Richardson, along with a number of other artists, musicians and models touted as the new "New York Cool" for the December edition of British Vogue; check out: for the photo-spread).

Now, the last time I wore corduroys was back in 1996 - a Sass and Bide wide flare with, I swear, a zipper that was only 2" long. My mother was with me when I tried them on and said that they were "positively pornographic...".  Hilarious.

I don't know whether I am into "his and hers" corduroys... I'll have to take it in turns with future-corduroy-wearer! Sorry, I can't help myself for inserting another "Royal Tenenbaums' reference, but I'm sure Richie Tenenbaum wore corduroy's but not so sure that his step-sister Margot would be caught dead in them... 

Richie and Margot
Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC by -NC-SA 2.0)     
Some rights reserved by randomn places

'Til next time :)

Monday, 6 February 2012

Salute to the Unitard!

I’ve heard that it takes half the time of the whole relationship to make a full recovery. So if my records are correct, I should be over all of this in approximately 2 weeks. 

In retrospect I’ve had the best of months and the worst of months. It’s a bit like the whole of 2011 really…

I suffered a minor fracture of my skull at the beginning of 2011 and a major fracture in a relationship at the year’s end. However, the part in the middle was actually quite good… I liken it to fresh slices of tomato (with a little salt and pepper)... in-between two slices of stale bread.

On a lighter note, I have my American Apparel order hopefully arriving this week if all goes well with Australia Post. I admit to living in AA tanks and high-waisted jersey skirts. Call it fantasy, call it crazy, but it’s a great feeling dressing like you’re off to rehearsal in a drafty city studio. 

Yvonne Force Villareal*, a co-founder of the Art Production Fund, swears by a black unitard which she wears regularly (a great match with her black thick-framed reading glasses). I can imagine it may be little difficult to pull off a "onesy" on the run but AA stock some in their “Dancewear” line (yes, be still my heart they have a whole category designated to dance).

I am thinking that a unitard will be great to layer over this coming winter. So with my letterman jacket slung over my shoulder I will feel quite like an Ivy-League-dance-major swanning around the city. I’ve just read Jeffrey Eugenides’ “The Marriage Plot” which has sunken me further into Ivy League envy (a great novel – from semiotics and manic depression to Jane Austen and the Jesus Prayer all in a bountiful 406 pages).

Bring on next pay day for the next American Apparel instalment...

*Read more about Yvonne Force Villareal here: 

Image from - Advertising; © 2012 American Apparel Inc. All Rights Reserved